privacy policy

MARS Product Design maintains and operates this website and is sensitive to privacy issues pertaining to our visitors.  MARS Product Design collects IP addresses and/or domain names from visitors to help diagnose problems with our servers, administer our website and anonymously track content preferences and traffic patterns. We also use cookies to recognize repeat users and facilitate their future access to our site. If you communicate with Mars via email, we will retain your email address and any other information which you voluntarily supply.


The information which we collect may be used for the sales and marketing activities of MARS Product Design or they may be used by our website administration team.  MARS Product Design will not sell any information to third parties which it collects from our website.  Further, MARS Product Design uses industry standard technologies to protect the security of any information collected within our site.  If you have any questions or concerns relating to the ongoing functions of our website please feel free to contact us.